Hair colouring, highlighting, streaking, perming, rebonding and
straightening are the latest trends for hair makeovers. However, the use of
chemicals involved in these hair treatments might damage your hair to some
extent. The Grace and Glamour, unisex and hair salon in Gurgaon provides all these treatments and procedures by
highly qualified and well trained professional experts who make careful choice
for products to suit your hair type as well as complement your complexion.
Highlighting or Streaking – What would suit you?
Apart from regular rebonding, hair straightening, and smoothening
treatments, the services provided also include providing striking hair
colouring services. It is, however, your personal choice about the way you want
the colour to be applied. You can take it in three different ways – global,
highlighting and streaking.
- Global Hair Colouring
In this technique, the hair colour is applied to the whole head. This is
generally beneficial for those who want to cover grey hair.
- Highlighting
This is an application technique wherein the selected hair colour is a
shade lighter than the colour of your hair. This hair colour is applied to
various hair strands covering the whole head. The technique creates an
exceptionally natural look for the colour covers only the thin sections of your
At this hair salon in Gurgaon, the experts make sure that the highlights do not
give an obvious appearance and rather produce a restrained glow.
- Streaking
Another type of highlighting, streaking involves colouring hair strands
in thicker and wider lines as contrasted to what is covered in highlighting.
The streaks are created to look more obvious than highlighting.
The shade of hair colour used for streaking is selected to contrast the
natural colour of your hair, also keeping in mind its compatibility to your
complexion and personality.
It is completely your personal choice about what you want for your hair.
If you want a subtle and natural look, classic highlights are the correct
choice while streaking is a better option if you want to try something trendy
and get a bolder appearance.
If you are coming to Grace and Glamour for hair colouring or
highlighting or streaking, the experts will guide you well about the choice of
colour as well as the application style to complement your looks. Additionally,
the experts here also guide you about the post care of coloured or treated
hair. Use of specially formulated shampoos followed by proper conditioning is
highly recommended.
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